Veering a bit off the beaten path of the rather dark and somewhat serious toys we have been posting, comes the bright pink King Ken IV from Amos Toys as 4th toy of the week from our collection.
This little darling, the 1st anniversary Clutter Magazine special edition King Ken was a gift, toted all the way from the UK and one that is (straight from the horse's mouth) "rare as rocking horse shit now." Designed by James Jarvis, the King Ken character was originally created as a special bonus character to the "In Crowd: House of Horror" collection, a series of mythical misunderstoods, doomed to walk the foothills in search of people to engage in theoretical and brilliant discussion. King Ken was an instant hit and thus became a staple all on his own.
With delightfully sharp finger and toenails, King Ken is a commanding piece, yet there's also something about a bubblegum pink gorilla that screams, "Play with me!" Whether a designer toy, an action figure or something from the quarter machine at a convenience store, it can be easy to forget that the most important aspect of a toy isn't anything but whether it beckons to be picked up and actually played with. Mr. Ken here certainly does. Amos and Clutter are examples of independent organizations trying to keep the art of creation as fun as possible: And we love that.
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