Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There will be blood. Oh yes, there will be blood...

Happy Birthday Kill Audio! Drop by and support your local comic shop if you haven't already pre-ordered it. Also, feel free to leave comments or questions here on the first issue when you get your hands on it.


Swing by TOMORROW at Jim Hanley's Universe in NYC to meet Claudio & the gang, talk about it, ask questions and shake hands with Sheldon's sideburns.

Thursday, October 8th

4 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001

(212) 268-7088


PVJ said...

I just picked up my copy from Graham Cracker Comics in CHI. This is fuggin' amazing. Thank you so much!

Eric Bies said...

Blah, I want it. My local comic shop didn't have it, so I'm going to have to venture further to get it!


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