To everyone who made it out to Toy Tokyo for the Kill Audio signing Saturday, a huge thank you from Claudio, Evil Ink and Toy Tokyo. The event was awesome thanks to the best fans in the damn world and the amazing staff at Toy Tokyo. We hope you like your new little man and got a chance to check out the coolest toy shop in NYC. Click HERE for more images by Marc Goldberg.
For those of you not in the vicinity of Manhattan to visit Toy Tokyo, we present you with an alternative:
"The Toy Tokyo website is the online representation of the Manhattan Toy Store with which it shares its name. In January 2004, we launched so that the entire world could experience what those who frequent the NYC location can, bringing together toys and collectibles from every genre and every generation, from rare promotional toys from the 1950s to the latest limited run of Kubricks from Medicom, on one comprehensive website. Toy Tokyo is also working closely with many of the hottest toy artists in the designer scene. Along with the retail store, and the new Showroom NYC, is dedicated to bringing you the latest updates on projects that Toy Tokyo is working on as well as information on all the artists that we are collaborating with."
To coincide with the new site and format, we'll be featuring a shop every month where you can find Kill Audio, as well as new designer toys and goodies to add to your collection. Be sure to stop by if you see one in your area!
Kill Audio is the tale of an immortal little man, seeking out his purpose in life by traipsing across a hip musical landscape with his wildly eccentric, sarcastic posse. Created by Claudio Sanchez of the band Coheed and Cambria with art by the up and coming Sheldon Vella.
This website was designed by Factory82.
To view some elements on this website you will need to dowload the lastest Flash Player
All content and images Evil Ink(2004-2008) All rights reserved. Hands Off !!!!!